Playa del Mar Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes and/or Meeting Summaries
April 12, 2012
Regular Board Meeting Summary
(Official Meeting Minutes available in PDM Office)
All board members were present except Millie Fox, absent.
President Ray Garcia thanked the owners who came to the meeting and detailed several projects that are underway in the building. He said the board was working on many projects that needed our attention and promised to keep owners informed of all the work in progress. The board ratified actions taken since the last board meeting.
Treasurer Fred Nesbitt presented the financial report for March: the budget is running a surplus and expenditures are running under budget for the first quarter of the year. The annual audit was accepted by the board. Owners can receive a copy by contacting the management office.
Carolyn Kervin presented a report from the landscaping committee: the first phase is being completed - placing greenery on the pool deck. Other work in the planning stage includes the North Courtyard, front of the building, and the fountains and area around the fountains.
Larry Hager presented the details of the settlement between PDM and SPS, the company responsible for the balcony rails. He explained the history and reasons for the financial settlement. The board is working on a plan to address the peeling paint on the rails - and will notify owners once a plan of action is in place. The board is testing a repair for the balcony floors to ensure the process works - and then those who signed up to have their balcony floors redone will be contacted.
Michael Hickman presented a history of the age restrictions on the PDM fitness centers - along with data from equipment manufacturers, trainers and other buildings on the Galt. He stated that since PDM has "professional equipment" in our fitness centers, the Rules Committee, working over two years, voted and the board approved a rule that no one under the age of 16 is permitted in or to use the fitness centers. The board voted unanimously to reaffirm that age restriction.
Fred Nesbitt presented a revised Ocean Lounge reservation policy addressing the issue of fees for set-up and clean-up. Over 80% of the owners who participated in a survey supported a fee for private use of the Ocean Lounge. The fee remains a minimum of $25 and maximum of $150, with a $150 deposit and deductions from that deposit for damage, or required shampooing of carpet and/or furniture. Residents reserving the Ocean Lounge may not charge a fee for events, nor suggest a donation or accept donations from those attending.
Mike DeMonia presented pictures of the deteriorating frame on the roof for the cooling towers. Due to several years of neglect and non-maintenance, the steel beams have rusted to the point where there are a hazard and need replaced. The concrete has also deteriorated and will require repair work. The estimated cost is somewhere around $60,000 - and there will be NO ASSESSMENT for these repairs. The work is an emergency - and will necessitate draining the towers, which will mean days without air conditioning. The board plans to complete the work quickly - to avoid the hot summer weather.
Informal summary of the meeting prepared by Fred Nesbitt and not the official minutes from the meeting. The actual minutes are available in the PDM office.
Fred Nesbitt _______________________________________ Fred Nesbitt Treasurer
November 17, 2011
Budget Meeting Summary
(Official Meeting Minutes available in PDM Office)
The PDM Board met on November 17 in two meetings. All board members were present except for Millie Fox, absent. The first meeting was the annual budget meeting.
The budget committee presented the 2012 budget through a PowerPoint presentation. Owners and board members then had a chance to ask questions and make comments on the budget. The budget is the one mailed to all owners in mid-October: it has NO increase in quarterly maintenance fees for 2012. After discussion, the board voted 5:1 in favor of the budget, with Barry Snider voting no.
Regular Board Meeting Summary
(Official Meeting Minutes available in PDM Office)
The second meeting was a regular board meeting, with President Ray Garcia presiding. The board approved a resolution regarding common area and voting regulations. The purpose of the resolution was to promote safe and harmonious use of the common areas, especially during condo elections and other controversial times. The resolution was presented by Larry Hager and approved by a vote of 6:0.
Fred Nesbitt presented a program for an in-house maintenance service for owners and residents. The handyman jobs (odd jobs) would be performed by a person from the PDM maintenance department and the owner would be charged for the service, with the funds going to PDM. The service would also include unit sitting (checking a unit weekly to ensure the AC, water, etc. are all okay) for those not in residence full-time. The motion to initiate this program on a one-year basis, starting January 1, 2012 was approved by a vote of 6:0. Watch the PDM Newsletter and special announcements for final details once all pieces are in place.
Committee members were announced: there are 4 committees currently in operation - Budget; Decorating/Landscape; Building/Construction; and GOGreen. Anyone interested in serving on these committees should notify the management office - other committees will be forming shortly.
The board then heard from owners on any concerns or suggestions presented. Questions were raised about the rental fee of the Ocean Lounge and limited usage on weekends as well as what controls are in place to ensure board expenditures are fully vetted and authorized by a majority of the board members. President Garcia said the board would address the first issue and report back to the members. The second issue currently requires majority board approval for all non-recurring expenditures that are not minor.
These are not official minutes from the meeting! It is an informal summary of meeting events. The actual minutes are available in the PDM office.
Carolyn Kervin _______________________________________ Carolyn Kervin Secretary
November 2, 2011
Board Meeting Summary
(Official Meeting Minutes available in PDM Office)
The board met, with all directors present, except Millie Fox, absent. A quorum of 5 directors was established.
Fill vacancy on the board - the board asked for owners to volunteer, and Fred Nesbitt volunteered to serve on the board and was elected to serve until the next annual meeting.
The board ratified the following actions previously taken by the board:
- Ratify changing legal counsel to the board - Approved
- Ratify payroll company change - Approved
- Ratify Employee Health and Dental Insurance Agent change - Approved
- Ratify Robert Boffa is not eligible to be a Board Member - Approved
- Ratify promotion of Roberto Flores as maintenance supervisor - Approved
The board will propose changes to ensure that the board of directors' election is fair and not unduly influenced. The board will propose a policy in the near future.
The board voted to reject the settlement offer from the insurance company for the PDM generator that was destroyed by Hurricane Wilma and will take the matter to court at the end of January 2012.
Regarding possible litigation with SPS (the contractor who is responsible for the balcony railings), the board is in active process of negotiations to reach an agreement to repair the peeling/bubbling paint on the balcony rails.
Director Carolyn Kervin set up a "parking lot" where owners can post notes on a bulletin board regarding problems/suggestions, without having to provide their name. The entire board will review these notes on a regular basis. The parking lot will be available at all board meetings - and comments can also be submitted to the office between board meetings.
Owners were given an opportunity to comment on items on the board agenda as well as state overall comments and questions.
President Ray Garcia presented a PowerPoint presentation on all the work being done on the building by our maintenance department, as well as the projects that will be started in the future.
These are not official minutes from the meeting! It is an informal summary of meeting events. The actual minutes are available in the PDM office.
Carolyn Kervin _______________________________________ Carolyn Kervin Secretary
December 13, 2007
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held in the Ocean Lounge on Thursday December 13, 2007. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Robert Boffa Sr.
There was a minor disturbance from former Board Member Mark Stern, as he believed he was still a member of the Board even though he was recalled.
Quorum - All Board members were in attendance, Heidi Von Schlieffen and Grace Antonello arrived twenty minutes late.
Appointments - Vice President Dan Lecht nominated Carolyn Kervin to replace Mark Stern on the Board. Seconded made by Michael DeMonia. Motion passed 3 - 0 (Grace Antonello and Heidi Von Schlieffen not in attendance).
Michael DeMonia nominated Annette Gamburg to replace Michael Marsalona on the Board. Seconded made by Dan Lecht. Motion passed 3 - 0 (Grace Antonello and Heidi Von Schlieffen not in attendance).
Dan Lecht nominated Annette Gamburg for the open Secretary seat on the Board. Michael DeMonia seconded the nomination. Motion passed 3 - 0 (Grace Antonello and Heidi Von Schlieffen not in attendance).
Other Business -
President Robert Boffa, Sr. addressed the passing of Michael Marsalona.
President Robert Boffa, Sr. read and posted that he has had his voting right restored.
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 8 p. m.
Annette Gamburg _______________________________________ Annette Gamburg Secretary
November 15, 2007
Budget Meeting
A Budget Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday November 15, 2007. Meeting called to order at 7 P.M. by President Robert Boffa, Sr.
Quorum - All Board members were in attendance except Secretary Michael Marsalona.
Minutes - Motion made by Dan Lecht, Seconded by Mark Stern to approve the May 3rd Minutes. All Board members were in favor.
Motion made by Grace Antonello, Seconded by Dan Lecht to approve the September 25th Minutes. All Board members were in favor.
New Budget:
Dan Lecht a motion to accept the 2008 Budget as written, with a commitment to work with a committee on the 2009 Budget.
Motion seconded by Robert Boffa, Sr.; motion passed 6 - 0.
Motion made by Dan Lecht to accept the resignation of Michael Marsalona as Secretary of the Board. Robert Boffa, Sr. seconded the motion; motion passed 6 - 0.
The Board could not come to a decision on the appointment of a new Secretary.
Michael DeMonia was appointed as an Assistant Secretary to the Board by President Robert Boffa, Sr..
Other Business -
New Pool Heater has been installed, looking for a thermal blanket
Card Room has been turned into a Television Room.
Walls on the Promenade deck were painted.
Awnings will be installed.
General Manager Keith Tannenbaum announced that he and Caren will be leaving the property at the end of the year.
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Michael DeMonia _______________________________________ Michael DeMonia Assistant Secretary
May 3, 2007
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday May 3, 2007. The meeting was called to order by President Robert Boffa at 7p.m.
The minutes of the May 3, 2007 Board of Directors meeting are available upon request in the building office to members in good standing of the Playa del Mar Condominium Association.
For descriptions of what transpired at the meeting, Click Here for President Robert Boffa's May 18, 2007 "President's Report" letter to PDM residents. Also, Click Here for a description in the July 1, 2007 Playa del Mar Newsletter.
Michael Marsalona _______________________________________ Michael Marsalona Secretary
March 29, 2007
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday March 29, 2007. The meeting was called to order by President Robert Boffa at 7p.m.
Quorum - All Board members were present except Vice President Mark Stern.
Minutes - Secretary Mike Marsalona made a motion to approve Minutes from February 15th, 27th and March 3rd. Treasurer Dan Lecht seconded the motion. All Board members were in favor.
Appointments - Secretary Mike Marsalona made a motion to remove Mark Stern as Vice President of the Board. Treasurer Dan Lecht seconded the motion. Boffa, Marsalona, Lecht, Demonia, in favor, Von Schlieffen, Antonello against. Motion passed 4-2.
Michael Marsalona made a motion to appoint Dan Lecht Vice President. Director Mike Demonia seconded the motion. Boffa, Marsalona, Lecht, Demonia, in favor, Von Schlieffen, Antonello against. Motion passed 4-2
President Robert Boffa removed Heidi Von Schlieffen as the Board liaison to the Decorating Committee and appointed Dan Lecht to the position.
President Robert Boffa appointed Mike Marsalona as Board liaison to the Social Committee.
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 7:30
Accounted Ron Martin answered questions regarding the Financials.
Michael Marsalona _______________________________________ Michael Marsalona Secretary
March 2, 2007
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Friday March 2, 2007. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Robert Boffa.
Quorum - All Board members were in attendance.
Resignations - Vice President Mark Stern made a motion to except resignation letters from Joe Ernest and Ed Napolitano.
Secretary Michael Marsalona seconded the motion; all Board members were in favor.
Appointments - Director Grace Antonello made a motion to appoint Heide Von Schlieffen and Kent Demonia to finish out the 1 year term left by the two Board members who resigned.
Vice President Mark Stern seconded the motion; all Board members were in favor.
Committee Involvement - President Robert Boffa informed unit owners they would have ten days to sign up in the office for committee involvement.
Color Change - Vice President Mark Stern made a motion to change colors to match the front of the building.
Director Grace Antonello seconded the motion. All Board members were in favor.
Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 7:30.
Michael Marsalona _______________________________________ Michael Marsalona Secretary
February 27, 2007
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the membership and election of the Board of Directors of the Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Tuesday, February 27, 2007 commencing at 7:00 PM, followed by a meeting of the Board of Directors.
The meeting was called to order by General Manager Keith Tannenbaum.
Quorum - Sign ins were performed by the State’s Ombudsman’s office and supervised by Ron Martin of Goldman, Juda & Martin accounting firm along with Robert Rubinstein from Becker & Poliakof lawfirm.
Election Results:
There were eight unit owners running for four positions, a total of 284 votes were cast of which 14 were disallowed. The 4 whom received the most votes were:
- Grace Antonello - 182 votes
- Daniel Lecht - 157 votes
- Michael Marsalona - 177 votes
- Mark Stern - 167 votes
No other business took place.
Regular Meeting:
The Board meeting was called to order, and the first order of business was the election of officers for 2007. The following persons were elected as officers for 2007:
- President - Robert Boffa Sr.
- Vice-President - Mark Stern
- Treasurer - Daniel Lecht
- Secretary - Michael Marsalona
A motion was then duly made and seconded that the bank signatories for 2007 should be the officers, Robert Boffa Sr., Mark Stern, Daniel Lecht and Michael eMarsalona. The vote was unanimous that these will be the only approved signatories on the Association’s bank accounts.
Adjournment - After the foregoing action, the Board meeting was adjourned.
Michael Marsalona _______________________________________ Michael Marsalona Secretary
September 21, 2006
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday September 21, 2006. Meeting called to order by President Ed Napolitano at 7:00 pm in the Ocean Lounge.
Quorum - All Board members were present.
Minutes - Director Ron Gresser made a motion to accept the Minutes from the February 9th and 21st Board of Directors Budget Meeting as written. Director Betty Cholst seconded the motion; all Board members were in favor.
North Upper wall - Motion to ratify, the North Upper wall for glass and railing price of $ 40,300.00.
Motion made by Director Ron Gresser. Seconded by Vice-President Joe Ernest, four (4) in favor, two (2) against, one (1) abstain. Motion passed.
Paint contract - President Ed Napolitano discussed in great detail the procedure used to award the paint contract.
Motion to award painting contract to Continental Painting for $442,000 and stucco repair at $13.00 per square feet for the first 5,000 square feet and $11.40 there after.
Motion made by Director Betty Cholst. Seconded by Director Ron Gresser; Six (6) in favor, one (1) against. Motion passed.
Building Colors - Motion for colors (4) to paint the building; light brown, white, cream and gold.
Motion made by Director Lucille Fannin. Seconded by Vice-President Joe Ernest; Six (6) in favor, one (1) against. Motion passed.
Other Business -
President Ed Napolitano stated we will be removing the old inoperable bicycles. They will be removed from the property at month’s end.
General Manager Keith Tannenbaum discussed the problems with the renewing of the building insurance. At the present time no companies are writing new polices. He stated this will have a major impact on the 2007 Budget.
President Ed Napolitano discusses the new generator situation. Currently we are getting a survey from the Engineer we can approach the City to move it to an area in front of the building (as per the size code).
Adjournment - Motion to adjourn at 8:45 PM. Motion made by Vice-President Joe Ernest. Seconded by Ron Gresser; motion passed.
Michael Hickman _______________________________________ Michael Hickman Secretary
February 9, 2006
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday February 9, 2006. The meeting was called to order by President Ed Napolitano at 7:00 PM in the Ocean Lounge.
Quorum - All Board members other than Ron Gresser were present.
Minutes - Lucille Fannin made a motion to accept the Minutes from the November 17th Board of Directors Budget Meeting as written. Joe Ernest seconded the motion; all Board members were in favor.
Roof Contract - The Board discussed the contract, and the amount of damage to the roof. Someone asked about insurance, but President Napolitano stated that the insurance adjuster had provided a totally unrealistic and “low ball” figure, trying to get the Association to settle for much less than the actual cost of replacing the roof. The Board also discussed the fact that the roof exhaust fans were damaged during the hurricane and will require replacement. The Board commended President Napolitano for not accepting the tactics of the insurance company, which would have left the Association vulnerable to not receiving adequate coverage for the true cost of replacing the roof in addition to the other hurricane damage suffered by the Playa del Mar.
He stated that the Association would continue to pursue the matter with the insurance company and would sue them if necessary to force them to pay the real cost of replacement for all hurricane related damages covered by our policy, less the deductible. He further stated that the Association was fortunate to find a roofing contractor that owns its own crane and would even do the work as contractors are in very short supply. Work has commenced because of the emergency nature of this repair. He presented the contract from Advanced Roofing at a negotiated flat fee figure of $1.2 million, including installation of the exhaust fans (cost of the fans will be extra and bid separately). On motion made by Josh Effron to ratify the 1.2 million contract, and seconded by Betty Cholst, the Board voted unanimously to ratify the contract.
Structural Preservations Systems contract - President Ed Napolitano discussed two additional items added as change orders to the Structural Preservations Systems contract: (1)repair of expansion joints on the decks and to guard against leaks, the removal of planters on the upper decks and replacement with pavers, for $100,000.00 and (2)aluminum and glass railings which will match those on the balconies around the lower deck and upper deck for $146,000.00.
Insurance Committee - Mr. Robert Boffa from the Insurance Committee stated he submitted loss runs to other companies for Bids for Property and Health coverage. President Ed Napolitano state the Association’s D & O policy will not be renewed by our current carrier at the end of the policy period in March, due to too many claims brought by residents and others. When a resident says they are not suing the Playa del Mar, that they are only suing the insurance company, that is not true. It comes directly out of all our pockets. He stated that even though some of the claims might be frivolous or even ridiculous, the insurance company only looks at the number of claims they have to defend. He stated that it is unfortunate that some residents look upon insurance as a “free ride” to some form of recovery, but that ultimately all residents have to pay more due to increasing premiums – or in this case even loss of insurance.
Adjournment - With nothing else on the Agenda, Joe Ernest made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Josh Effron seconded the motion; all Board members were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Michael Hickman _______________________________________ Michael Hickman Secretary
November 17, 2005
Budget Meeting
A Budget Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday November 17, 2005. Meeting called to order by President Ed Napolitano at 7:00 PM.
Quorum - All Board members were in attendance except, Josh Effron (present on speaker phone).
Minutes - Ron Gresser made a motion to accept the minutes from the April 7, 2005 Board of Directors Budget Meeting as written. Lucille Fannin seconded the motion; all Board members were in favor.
New Budget:
General Manager Keith Tannenbaum gave detailed information on the line items on the 2006 Budget the increase is approximately 12% compared to the 2005 Budget. The major increases are the Building’s Insurance and group medical coverages.
Ron Gresser made a motion to adopt the 2006 Budget has written. Michael Hickman the motion; all Board members were in favor.
Joe Ernest stated the Association has agreed to take a 3 million dollar line of credit with City National Bank, in conjunction, the Association maintenance “Lock Box” will be removed over as well President Ed Napolitano explained items that will need to be addressed in the near future (see attached) the roof of immediate concern, and considered and emergency.
Joe Ernest made a motion to extend SRI Consultants contract (the engineering firm) for one year for $160,000. Ron Gresser seconded the motion; all Board members were in favor.
Adjournment - With noting else on the Agenda, Ron Gresser made a motion to adjourn the meeting to an open forum. Michael Hickman seconded the motion; all Board members were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Michael Hickman _______________________________________ Michael Hickman Secretary
April 7, 2005
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday April 7, 2005. The meeting, open to the membership of the Association, was called to order by President Ed Napolitano at 7:30 PM.
Quorum - All Board members were present, Josh Effron (speaker phone) and Michael Hickman was absent.
Minutes - Ron Gresser made a motion to except the February 22, 2005 meeting minutes as written. Joe Ernest seconded the motion; all Board members were in favor.
President Ed Napolitano stated that the Board has full control; Continental does not spend any money or sign contracts. To date the association has spent $5,200.00 on Attorneys fees due to unit owner’s complaints which need to be addressed via letters by the Attorneys.
Railing on the Six (6) stack are completed, the south side completion date should be in early May.
Manager’s Report - (Attached):
Special Assessment -
- Infrared Testing competed, all common area repairs are being done as per the report.
- City Wide installed 41 common area Air Conditioners as per the Assessment.
- Elevator modernization completed, punch out list pending.
Treasurer Report:
Joe Ernest reported $ 25,000.00 under budget for the first two months of the year $941,000.00 In the Special Assessment account Six (6) owners are in collections two (2) in foreclosure $ 236,000.00 deficit heading into 2005.
New Business:
Josh Effron made a motion to allocated $20,000.00 from the deferred reserves for the Re-marciting and additional repairs to the pool. Betty Cholst seconded the motion; all board members were in favor.
Joe Ernest made a motion to have the Attorney review the suggested amendments changes to the Documents (see attached) put into the proper language to send to the unit owners to vote on. Ron Gresser seconded the motion: all board members were in favor.
Betty Cholst made a motion to move all parking spaces back to the original Plat according to engineering drawings. Josh Effron seconded the motion: all board members were in favor. (Attorneys opinion letter attached).
The Board voted to not let the unit owners decorate the “Wings” themselves.
The Insurance Company recommended that a unit owner who desires to have a party in the Ocean Lounge submit a copy of their Homeowners Policy. (See attached)
Some board members were concerned with alcohol usage; the Board accepted the recommendation, but may revisit it in the future.
A motion was made by Betty Cholst to have a reserve study performed for the 2006 budget. Ron Gresser seconded the motion: all board members were in favor.
Old Business:
Lucille Fannin made a motion to have Continental take over the Front Desk at $ 11,000.00 per month as per the contract. Betty Cholst seconded the motion; all board members were in favor.
Other Business:
The Association will not be setting up traps for catching pigeons as construction on the North side of the building will begin shortly, the price is $200.00 per trap and $35.00 for the removal.
Joe Ernest made a motion to purchase a “Billy Goat” for better common area clean up at a cost of $3,600.00. Ron Gresser seconded the motion: all board members were in favor.
Josh Effron made a motion to purchase a Treadmill and an Upper Body exerciser at a cost not to exceed $6,000.00. Joe Ernest seconded the motion: all board members were in favor.
Adjournment - Joe Ernest made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30. Ron Gresser seconded the motion: all board members were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.
Michael Hickman _______________________________________ Michael Hickman Secretary
February 22, 2005
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the membership and election of the Board of Directors of the Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Tuesday, February 22, 2005 commencing at 7:30 PM, followed by a meeting of the Board of Directors. The meeting was held in the Playa del Mar Ocean Lounge.
Quorum - All Members of the Board were in attendance: President, Lucille Fannin, Vice-President, Ed Napolitano, Treasurer/Secretary Joe Ernest and other Board members Ron Gresser, Betty Cholst, Josh Effron, and Michael Hickman.
Sheryl Bell of the Continental Group and Leigh Katzman of the Katzman & Korr firm did the sign in of the Residents.
Connie Hoffman (Unit 2303) made a motion to close the voting pole at 7:50 PM. Harriet Healy (Unit 2305) seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by the membership.
Leigh Katzman called the meeting to order at 8 PM.
Leigh Katzman stated that the notice of the meeting and the membership mail out were done in a timely fashion as per the statute. He also explained the voting process and eligibility to vote in the election of board members for the coming year.
Minutes - Joe Ernest, Treasurer, made a motion to approved the minutes of the December 9, 2004 Board of Directors Budget Meeting. Josh Effron, Director, seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Michael Reisert (Unit 601) made a motion to waive the reading of the 2004 Annual Meeting Minutes. Ruth Schwadron (Unit 717) seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved by the membership.
Lucille Fannin, President, announced the inspectors of the election: Diane Ennis, Bob Grossman, Ray Lekowski, Nicholas Lombardi, Linda Teller and Steve Weinberg.
Concrete Restoration Report - Ed Napolitano, Vice-President, gave an update on the concrete restoration project. He stated that the south side of the building should be completed by the end of April. He informed the membership that the “Green Rock” on the front of the building has started deteriorating and has caused serious problems with water leaking into the building (pictures where provided to the Board). He stated that we will explore the best means by which to correct this problem and proceed with the appropriate repairs. He also showed samples of old electrical wiring, plumbing valves, and air conditioning parts, which had recently been replaced in the building addressing some of the concerns of the “spending of monies” over budget.
Budget Report - Joe Ernest, Treasurer, discussed the 2004 deficit mentioning some items were under budget. Building and maintenance was $137,000 over budget, Insurance (workers compensation) $22,000 over budget, six (6) people totaling $40,000 are at the attorney in regards to the special assessment.
Elevator Project Report - Ron Gresser, Director, gave an update on the elevator project and stated the modernizations are completed except for Landmark Elevator Engineering completing the final punch list.
Grounds Report - Michael Hickman, Director, gave an update on the grounds of the building. He stated that recent walkthroughs done with management and maintenance generated 125 work order items and almost all have been completed as of this date.
Election Results:
Ron Martin of the Goldman & Juda and Martin, P.A. accounting firm counted all the ballots.
Six owners ran for (4) positions on the Board of Directors. The results were as follows:
- Betty Cholst
- Lucille Fannin
- Ron Gresser
- Michael Hickman
These owners were all re-elected. They will each serve a two (2) year term as stipulated in our Condominium Documents.
Insurance Report - Lucille Fannin stated the Association will be renewing its insurance coverage’s with Brown & Brown serving as the Association’s agent of record. The property liability coverage will continue to be with QBE, the only AM Best rated insurance company now providing coverage for ocean front high rise properties.
Mrs. Fannin thanked everyone on the Board and the Committee members for all their hard work on behalf of all the owners over the past year.
Adjournment - Jeff Gaines (Unit 603) made a motion to adjourn the Annual Meeting. Connie Hoffman (Unit 2303) seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.
Michael Hickman _______________________________________ Michael Hickman Secretary
December 9, 2004
Budget Meeting
A Budget Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday December 9, 2004. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Lucille Fannin.
Quorum - All board members were present except for Directors Ron Gresser and Josh Effron. President Lucille Fannin stated that the notice for the Budget meeting had been posted in a timely fashion.
Minutes - Director Betty Cholst made a motion to approve the minutes from September 30, 2004. Treasurer Joe Ernest seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
New Budget:
Keith Tannenbaum announced the annual meeting date will be February 22, 2005. Keith Tannenbaum read a remarks letter to explain the 14.97% increase (letter attached).
Treasurer Joe Ernest made a motion to accept the 2005 budget as mailed. Director Betty Cholst seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment - Treasurer Joe Ernest made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Director Betty Cholst seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously Adjournment at 7:30 PM.
Joseph Ernest _______________________________________ Joseph Ernest Secretary/Treasurer
September 30, 2004
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday September 30, 2004. The meeting, open to the membership of the Association, was called to order at 7:00 p.m by President Lucille Fannin .
Quorum - All Board members were present except for Directors Ron Gresser and Josh Effron, constituting a quorum. Board President Lucille Fannin stated that the notice for the Board meeting had been posted in a timely fashion.
Minutes - The minutes of the August 10, 2004 Board Meeting were approved unanimously after Betty Cholst made a motion to approve the minutes and Joe Ernest seconded the motion.
The Board discussed at length their position on hurricane issues and the proper hurricane plan to protect the property of all the owners of the PDM. It was unanimously agreed by the Board that it will continue the current hurricane plan which requires the shut down of the elevators, domestic water pumps, and cooling towers when a Mandatory Evacuation Order is issued. This plan will continue in force until further review and discussion would cause a revised hurricane plan to be issued.
Comcast Cable Subcontractors: Explained that each unit must be individually wired to receive the upgraded service, since they are currently “loop wired” with other units. Once this change over is completed, each unit owner will be able to elect, at their expense, to sign up with Comcast to receive high speed internet service and Pay per View Movies.
Manager’s Report - (Attached):
A new 15-Ton Air Conditioner was installed in the Billiard Room. Mr. Air applied for permits for the Air Conditioner in the elevator room.
Infrared testing of common area electrical systems and unit electrical boxes has been completed. The report will be received in two weeks.
Committee Reports:
Concrete Restoration Committee - We are on budget; however there have been time delays of approximately 9 days due to the hurricanes.
Decorating Committee - The Committee has interviewed four decorators and they believe the Paula Greenberg group is a good fit for our project. They will meet with her again to further explore how she will work with us, commission arrangements, other fees, etc. before bringing a final recommendation to the Board.
Insurance Committee - Motion made by Secretary/Treasurer Joe Ernest to rescind the agent of record recommendation of Oswald Tripp, second by Vice President Ed Napolitano. Motion passed unanimously.
Finance Committee - Preparation of the 2005 Budget has started.
Old Business:
Vanguard has agreed to do a walk through, to look for the best location for security cameras and fobs, we will then revise the “Fobs” bids to see if they are what the Building needs.
New Business:
Three companies bid on 43 common area Air Conditioners. City Wide was $94,160.00, Hill York $132,730, and Atlantic Refrigeration $139,000.
Motion - made by Secretary/Treasurer Joe Ernest to have City Wide install the air conditioners, motion seconded by Director Betty Cholst; motion passed unanimously.
Two companies bid on the Automated Domestic Water Pump system. Progressive Maintenance Company proposed installing 2 - 40 horse power water pumps For $26,668.00 (this is the current configuration as specified in original building plans). City Wide proposed installing 3 - 20 horse power water pumps For $32,537.00.
Motion - made by Secretary/Treasurer Joe Ernest to have Progressive Maintenance Company approved to install the new Domestic Water Pumps, seconded by Director Michael Hickman; motion passed unanimously.
Adjournment - Secretary/Treasurer Joe Ernest made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Vice President Ed Napolitano seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Post Meeting Activity:
Open forum for owners’ questions followed.
Joseph Ernest _______________________________________ Joseph Ernest Secretary/Treasurer
August 10, 2004
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Tuesday August 10, 2004, commencing at 7:00 p.m. The meeting, open to the membership of the Association, was held in the Playa del Mar Ocean Lounge.
Quorum - All board members were in attendance except director Josh Effron, constituting a quorum. Also in attendance were manager Keith Tannenbaum, assistant manager Caren Francis, front desk Chaseca Cosby and district manager Sheryl Bell. The notice was posted in a timely fashion, except for in the mailroom. Notice will also be placed on the building’s TV Channel from here on out.
Minutes - Director Ron Gresser made a motion to except the Minutes from the May 13th and July 22nd meetings without any changes, Secretary Joe Ernest seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports:
Concrete Restoration Committee - Linda Napolitano - restoration project two weeks behind schedule due to inclement weather. Two swing stages are hung up and some tile has been removed.
Decorating Committee - Joan Weinberg - will be meeting with Interior Designers in the next few weeks, once one is selected, they will be presented to the Board for approval. Betty Cholst was appointed the Board liaison to the committee.
Elevator Committee - Ron Gresser - Freight elevator will be completed in seven weeks, freight elevator will be made of stainless steel, cabs will be done while Otis is still working.
Finance Committee - Shirley Stevenson - financial statements are a mess, will work with management to redefine and re-categorize for next years budget.
Insurance Committee - Pat Price - Builders Risk policy in place - the cost was $5 thousand and has a limit of $4 million, obtained through agent at Oswald, Tripp Cobra Serve policy to be put in place.
Old Business:
Motion - made by Secretary Joe Ernest to use full glass railings on catwalks instead of half glass, motion seconded by Director Mike Hickman, motion passed unanimously.
Motion - made by Director Mike Hickman to adopt the color of blue/green for the balcony railings, motion seconded by Secretary Joe Ernest, motion passed unanimously.
Motion - made by Vice President Ed Napolitano to have the restoration company work Saturdays if necessary, motion seconded by Director Mike Hickman, motion passed unanimously.
Motion - made by Director Ron Gresser to accept the design of the elevator interior recommended by the Elevator Committee, Vice President Ed Napolitano seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.
Motion - made by Director Betty Cholst to make a one time adjustment in an employee’s salary to cover the increase in the family insurance premium, motion seconded by Vice President Ed Napolitano, motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
President Lucille Fannin stated that unit owner Sarla Kamlani has sued the Association for alleged personal injuries, the association’s attorney advised not to address the matter any further at this time.
The Board is looking into ways to improve the Safety and Courtesy Department.
Adjournment - Secretary Joe Ernest made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Director Betty Cholst seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Joseph Ernest _______________________________________ Joseph Ernest Secretary/Treasurer
July 22, 2004
A Meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday July 22, 2004, commencing at 7:00 p.m. The meeting, open to the membership of the Association, was held in the Playa del Mar Ocean Lounge.
Quorum - The following members of the Board were in attendance: President Lucille Fannin, who presided, as well as Directors Cholst, Ernest, Hickman, Napolitano and Gresser. Board member Effron (returned North for the Summer) was absent. President Fannin declared that a quorum was present for the conducting of business. Notice was posted and mailed in a timely manner (July 18, 2004).
Minutes - Minutes of the May 13, 2004 meeting where not discussed.
Motion for Special Assessment. - Director Betty Cholst made a motion to pass the proposed special assessment in the amount of $5,528,000.00 and Treasurer Joe Ernest seconded the motion. All Board Members were in favor of the motion which passed 5-0.
Accountant Ron Martin stated the method of payment selected by the membership was 113 in favor of a 12 month payout commencing on September 1, 2004 and 60 in favor of payments over three quarters.
Treasurer Joe Ernest made a motion to accept the memberships selected method of payment of 1 payment per month for 12 months with the assessment to begin September 1, 2004. Director Gresser seconded the motion. All Board Members where in favor, motion passed 5-0.
Adjournment - With no other business on the agenda, Director Betty Cholst made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Treasurer Joe Ernest seconded the motion; all Board Members were in favor. The Board Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
The Board opened up the floor to the residents for questions.
Joseph Ernest _______________________________________ Joseph Ernest Secretary/Treasurer
May 13, 2004
A meeting of the Board of Directors of The Playa del Mar Condominium Association (the “Association”) was duly and legally held on Thursday, May 13, 2004, commencing at 10:00 a.m. The meeting, open to the membership of the Association, was held in the Playa del Mar Ocean Lounge.
Quorum - The following members of the Board were in attendance: President Lucille Fannin, who presided, as well as Directors Cholst, Ernest, Hickman and Napolitano. Board members Effron (returned North for the Summer) and Gresser were absent. President Fannin declared that a quorum was present for the conducting of business. An agenda of the meeting was handed out to all those in attendance at the meeting.
Minutes - Minutes of the meetings of February 26, 2004 and April 24, 2004 were presented, reviewed, and upon motion duly made and seconded, those minutes were approved as presented to the Board.
Committee Reports - The Committee reports were first received and actions taken upon the recommendations of the Committees:
Finance Committee - Joe Ernest reminded everyone that the CPA firm for the Association has sent a card to all Association members, advising anyone who desires a copy of the 2003 Audit that it is available upon request. He noted that there is currently a deficit of $92,330 in the Operating Fund. Current plan is to role that amount into the upcoming special assessment for capital repairs and replacements. Upon motion duly made and seconded, his report, including acceptance of the 2003 Audit as presented, was accepted as presented.
Concrete Restoration Committee - Linda Napolitano reported on the work of this committee. She noted that the Committee had met on the prior evening and recommended to the Board that it change the scope of work on the planned concrete restoration to demolish the side walls on balconies, as well as the ‘knee’ walls and to replace all balcony walls with the aluminum/glass railing system. She noted that the engineer advising the Association had made this recommendation to the Committee. This change in scope will add approximately $50,000 to the original scope of work already approved by the Board.
She then stated that the Committee also was prepared to recommend at this time that the Association engage Structural Preservation Systems as the contractor to complete the concrete restoration projection on the Building. Ms. Napolitano noted that the recommended contractor had not met the requested price at the time of the prior evening’s meeting, but in subsequent conversations with the Chair, the company has agreed to meet the Association’s requested price.
There followed an extensive discussion among the Board members and the Committee. Ms. Napolitano stated that while the overall agreement with Structural Preservation Systems has been reached, the contract details remain to be negotiated. Larry Leiby, Esq. will represent the Association as its attorney in the negotiations. The recommendation is conditioned upon reaching contract terms satisfactory to the Association’s attorney and to be signed by the President upon recommendation of such legal counsel.
Discussion proceeded on the question of the color of glass to be installed as part of the aluminum/glass railing system. Ms. Napolitano advised that the color has not been finalized, although many residents have expressed a preference for the blue/green glass that has been on display.
In response to questions from the Directors, Ms. Napolitano provided further information on the recommended contractor, noting that their corporate office is local, the company has a strong financial statement and enjoys good recommendations from other buildings that they have renovated. She noted as well that the chief engineer advising the Association knows the company and its owner quite well and gives it a high recommendation. She stated that her committee had looked at a number of potential contractors, and had narrowed the field to three that were bondable and financially responsible. The bidding process was very aggressive and intensely done. She concluded that the Committee felt fortunate that this contractor is available, as they are finishing up a couple of major jobs and will have a crew available to start as soon as permits are issued. She added that the job was expected to take 56 weeks, going all out to complete the project in that time frame.
After a full discussion, including responding to questions from the floor by members of the Association, President Fannin called for the vote on the recommendations of the Committee to change the scope of work to include replacing the end walls as well as the ‘knee’ walls on the balconies and on the selection of Structural Preservation Systems to do the work. Mr. Hickman asked whether there is a letter from the engineer, recommending the change in scope, and Ms. Napolitano responded that the engineer had amended his original opinion to include this recommendation. She also stated that the attorneys for the Association, Becker & Poliakoff, had advised that this amendment was sufficient for the Board to rely on in accepting this scope change. Director Cholst noted that the motion should not include selection of the color of the glass for the aluminum/glass system. All agreed that it did not at this time. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Committee’s recommendation to change the scope of the project was accepted unanimously by the Board.
The Board next considered the Committee’s recommendation of Structural Preservation Systems to do the concrete restoration work on the building. There were questions regarding the form of contract, and Ms. Napolitano stated again that of course the recommendation was contingent upon getting a satisfactory contract, upon the advice of outside legal counsel, Larry Leiby. After further discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board voted unanimously to engage Structural Preservation Systems to do the concrete restoration project, with the proviso that the contract be approved by legal counsel and signed by the Board President, Mrs. Fannin, upon recommendation of legal counsel.
President Fannin reminded the Board that since the Association has a credit line in place that is more than adequate to initiate the concrete restoration project, the work can commence even before the meeting to establish the size of the special assessment of the Association. All agreed that this was their understanding and that all are eager to get the work underway as soon as practicable.
Insurance Committee - Ms. Fannin next called on Pat Price, Chair of the Insurance Committee for a report on the work of that committee. Ms. Price first introduced the members of her committee in addition to herself: Gene Craig, Joe Ernest and Shirley Stephenson. She said this committee had been organized to look into the adequacy of the Association’s insurance coverages, to determine insurance needs and make recommendations to the Board.
Ms. Price disclosed that she herself is a licensed insurance agent in the fields of health, life and legal expense. She stated that her licenses do not extend to property or casualty insurance and that she is a volunteer, not receiving any commission or other compensation for her work on the committee. Ms. Price stated that after several meetings, the Insurance Committee has several recommendations for the Board.
First Recommendation - The first recommendation pertains to health insurance, which is up for renewal on June 1. The current carrier, United Health Care, has quoted a 24% increase in premium. Because of this, the Committee requested that the Association’s agent, William Grant, shop for alternative coverage. After looking at numerous alternatives, he has recommended coverage from Humana HMO, which would result in savings of $8,640 per year, combined savings to the Association and to the employees in terms of their contribution for coverage. Humana also offers a lower co-payment which is important to encourage employees to sign up for coverage as all carriers require that the covered group have a participation rate of at least 75%. So, the committee recommends that the Association change from its current insurance carrier, United Health Care, to Humana HMO, and that the Association contribute 80% of the cost for employees, who would then pay 20% for themselves and 100% for any desired dependent coverage.
Ms. Fannin stated that the Board would first consider this recommendation. There followed a discussion as to the recommendation, the fact that Humana is an HMO with limited physician network, but with better overall terms of coverage than United Health Care for the most part. After full discussion, upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board accepted the committee’s recommendation unanimously.
Second Recommendation - Ms. Price next discussed the committee’s review of the Association’s obligations under the federal COBRA law, for continuation of benefits for former employees. As an employer of more than 20 employees, the Association is covered by this law. The laws and regulations are complicated, and the committee recommends that the Association engage a professional organization, Ceridian COBRA Service, to monitor compliance for the Playa del Mar. The fee of $68 per month is modest, plus a fee of $2.75 for each COBRA notice sent to departing employees. Fines and penalties for failing to follow the rules can be substantial. So, the committee recommends to the Board that the Association engage the services of Ceridian COBRA Service. After discussion, on motion duly made and seconded, the recommendation of the Committee was unanimously accepted by the Board.
Third Recommendation - Ms. Price then discussed the committee’s recommendation with respect to obtaining ‘builder’s risk’ insurance to cover the Association during the period of restoration of concrete on the building. This is intended to cover all manner of risks associated with having a major construction project underway at the building. Ms. Price stated that several different insurance carriers had been reviewed, and the committee recommends that the Association obtain coverage from Travelers Insurance, through Oswald, Tripp & Company as agent. For $4 million of coverage, the cost is $5,000 per year. This does not include wind coverage, but the committee believes the Association has adequate wind coverage through its other policies.
A discussion followed. Ms. Cholst asked whether multiple bids were obtained. Ms. Price advised that because of the height of the building, very few companies were willing to consider insuring the Association on this type of risk. Of the three major companies reviewed, two declined to consider coverage, leaving Travelers. So, as a practical matter, bidding was not really possible in light of the few companies willing to even consider insuring a high-rise building such as the Playa del Mar. After further discussion, on motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously accepted the recommendation of the Committee.
Fourth Recommendation - Ms. Price next reported that the Committee had also taken a look at the overall casualty insurance coverage for the building. This is the normal policy that insures the building structure against casualty damage of all kinds. When they performed the review, the committee discovered that the building was actually under-insured. Ms. Price explained that unless the Association carried insurance for at least 80% of the value of the building, a loss would not be fully covered. For example, if only insured to 50% of actual value, then a loss would only be paid up to 50%.
She stated that coverage was found to be at approximately $45 million, but a valuation of the building disclosed a value of $68 million, which means that coverage is less than 80% at the present time. There followed an extensive discussion as to whether Florida statues require that the Association obtain three competitive bids for the insurance. Ms. Price stated that there were not three companies that were willing to bid for the coverage. After further discussion, the matter was tabled. It was determined that it would not be necessary to ask the Association’s outside legal counsel about the three-bid requirement, since there are only two (2) companies willing to write this type of insurance. The Insurance Committee will look further into the matter and make a recommendation at a future Board meeting.
New Business – Review - Ms. Fannin reviewed the matters already reviewed and approved, including the 2003 Audit, discussion and vote on recommendations of the Insurance Committee; and review and approval of Structural Preservation Systems to do the concrete restoration work with the modifications of scope recommended by the Concrete Restoration Committee.
She then stated that the next order of business would be consideration of the engaging of Continental Management Company to provide professional management services to the building. She introduced Ms. Sheryl Bell, District Manager for the Continental Company, to discuss the company and its qualifications and experience.
Presentation by Ms. Bell - Ms. Bell discussed the history of Continental Management Company, noting that it has been in business for 14 years, and is currently managing approximately 350 properties in the Dade, Broward, Palm Beach Counties area. She noted that Continental has extensive experience in managing buildings undergoing restoration, including buildings in which Structural Preservation Systems is doing the work.
She discussed Continental’s extensive training program for the individual managers they place in management positions on properties. She stated that they have regular training sessions to keep up on statutory and other legal changes, to share experiences, both good and bad, with vendors doing work on buildings they manage and otherwise to keep the managers licenses up to date.
Ms. Bell pointed out a major advantage of using a company such as Continental, noting that if the personality of a particular manager does not fit a building, it is relatively easy for the company to make a change. She stated that in selecting the recommended manager for the Playa del Mar, she had looked for an individual with experience working with concrete restoration projects and large project management experience, as well as normal administrative experience.
In response to Board questions, Ms. Bell noted that the assigned manager will meet regularly with the Board, will supervise the staff, deal with vendors and generally relieve the Board from having to be involved in day to day affairs, so the Board can devote its time to more strategic matters. The manager will review job descriptions, interview and hire on behalf of the Association staff personnel and generally be responsible for the day-to-day activities of the building and the Association. Managers are required to provide a weekly report to Continental, and all members of the Association can access these reports via a web-based program, with a PIN number assigned to each member. She added that all of Continental’s managers are duly licensed as managers by the State of Florida and that Ms. Bell herself is licensed as a supervisor of managers.
In response to other questions, Ms. Bell noted that it was not Continental’s policy to come in and fire the existing employees. All would be provided an opportunity to remain with the Association, but of course no one is guaranteed a job. With regard to a question as to the average tenure of an individual manager with a building, she stated that a good tenure would be five years, but given the nature of Florida, sometimes a manager stays for a shorter period of time.
President Fannin asked Ms. Bell to discuss the financial arrangement between the Association and Continental. She stated that the assigned manager would receive a salary of $55,000 per year. Ms. Fannin stated that the last manager hired directly by the Board had been paid $65,000. In addition to paying the salary, the Association would pay to Continental 25% to cover all other payroll expenses and $245 per month to cover the manager’s participation in Continental’s group medical plan. Continental takes care of the manager’s withholding taxes. In addition, the Association would pay to Continental $1,200 per month for supervision and oversight of the manager and the Continental Connect web based program.
Ms. Fannin noted that the Association would also be getting the overall expertise and experience of the Continental group. She stated that the manager candidate was coming in for a second interview the following day and that this individual has been with Continental since 1998.
There followed an extensive discussion about the contract with Continental, its duration and cancellation provisions. President Fannin noted that regardless of the total contract length, the Association would have a 90-day cancellation clause. The 90-day clause ensures that there is always a smooth transition in the management of the Playa del Mar. The Association then would not face an abrupt resignation with no notice, as had happened with the last full-time manager. But there would be no need to cancel if only a change of individual manager was required, because you just call Continental and they would present other suitable candidates for consideration by the Board and then assign a different manager.
In response to questions from resident, Mark Stern, President Fannin recapped the financial arrangement as follows:
Manager Salary | $55,000/year |
Insurance | $245/month |
Other benefits | 25% of salary |
Continental Management | $1,200/month |
------------------------- | -------------- |
Total | $86,000/year |
President Fannin noted that this was for the basic management services, but that another individual candidate that had interviewed recently wanted a package that totaled nearly $100,000 per year, which included him being on vacation three weeks per year. She added that if the Association elected to purchase other services from Continental, which offers a complete range of building services, it could do so, but is not required to do so.
In response to comments, Ms. Fannin stated that the contract with Continental, if they are approved, would be reviewed and negotiated by attorneys at Becker & Poliakoff, who have extensive experience representing buildings in arriving at satisfactory contracts with Continental specifically. In response to Director questions, Ms. Bell stated that office hours could be set to include extended hours one day a week or Saturday hours. That is really up to the Board to work out.
After further discussion and questions and answers, President Fannin asked if there was a motion to approve the engaging of Continental and entering into a contract with them, subject to negotiation by Becker & Poliakoff representing the Association. Thereafter on motion duly made and seconded, the Board unanimously approved the engaging of Continental and entry into a contract with them.
Open Forum - President Fannin then opened up the meeting to discussion among the attendees. A member asked why two of the Directors, Messrs. Effron and Gresser were not at the meeting. Ms. Fannin stated that Mr. Effron had gone back North for the summer season, and that Mr. Gresser had been expected to attend. [It later turned out that Mr. Gresser had a personal matter to attend to that prevented his attendance.]
Various members asked about the closed circuit TV message board and were assured that Continental would see that pertinent messages were on that board. Another asked for assurance that the new manager would oversee all functions at the building, including janitorial, and was assured that they would.
There were compliments on the new main elevator, which looks spectacular, and compliments to all the hard-working committee members. President Fannin noted that the other elevators would not have the interiors renovated until the freight elevator is itself finished, as other elevators will have to serve as the freight elevator while the main freight elevator is out of service for several weeks. In response to a question, she noted that floor pads would be provided for the north and south elevators, as these are used for moving in and out for the north and south towers.
President also addressed a rumor that the Association was incurring $250,000 to renovate the interiors of the elevator cabs. She stated that this is wildly exaggerated. The correct figure is only around $56,000. And the interiors had to be redone to be in compliance with codes, since the work done the last time they were redecorated was not in compliance with codes, so they might as well be done correctly and attractively.
Adjournment - President Fannin then entertained a motion to adjourn, which was seconded and unanimously carried. The Board meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:45 p.m.
Joseph Ernest _______________________________________ Joseph Ernest Secretary/Treasurer
Lucille Fannin _______________________________________ Lucille Fannin President
May 9, 2002
Quorum - Board Members Present: Barbara Mancuso, Josh Effron, Dr. Gwil Lodwick, Shirley Stephenson, Mark Stern, Ron Gresser,
Dan Williams, Manager. Absent: Shirley Burtoff. President Mancuso opened the meeting at 7:05 PM and announced a
quorum was present after roll call.
Minutes - The President requested the waiving of the reading of the minutes.
Mark Stern requested the minutes be amended to state a discussion
ensued with Mark Stern explaining to the unit owners that the
meeting that had been called was in violation of FS 718 and the
Bylaws, and in addition certain Board members were not properly
notified in writing three days prior to the meeting. He pointed
out that due to an apparent division among the Playa del Mar Board
Association, he told the owners, of which he received overwhelming
support, the Board negated the allegiance to the President by vote
of 5 to 2 with Shirley Stephenson and the President, Mark Stern,
against the motion.. He felt the Board defied their fiduciary
responsibility and relationship required by the Board of Directors
to the owners and failed to represent their demands. Mark Stern
motioned to have his statements incorporated into the minutes of
the previous meeting, seconded by Barbara Mancuso. (See attached
Old Business - Barbara Mancuso indicated a motion under old business from the
previous meeting was passed to re-bid purchase of a keyfob system
and to select someone to obtain additional bids as previous bids
were not considered satisfactory.
President introduced the new CAM manager, Dan Williams, who made a
few comments regarding his background of over seven years in the
management business. He is not only working for the Board but also
for the owners of which he invited anyone who wishes to make an
appointment, if necessary, to discuss any problems he may assist
in resolving.
Treasurer’s Report - The President requested Dan Williams to give the Treasurer’s report
from the quarterly report ending March 31, 2002, as there was no
April report available. Balances quoted for total cash assets were
$1,162,510, with liabilities of $340,658: Reserves total was
$763,999 with an additional $ 57,852 in the operating fund
balance. Josh Effron motioned to accept the report, seconded by
Ron Gresser, motion passed unanimously.
Committee Reports - The President reaffirmed committees in place and their respective chairpersons.
Gym and Fitness Committee - She stated the Gym and Fitness committee had given a
proposal for replacing old exercise equipment of which the Board
will review. She added any other committee members wishing to see
her may do so as she would be available the next day.
Rules and Regulations Committee - Ron
Gresser asked to make a report on the Rules and Regulations
revisions of which he stated the revised proposals would be made
available to the Board and owners this week, prior to an approval
of revision by the Board of Directors. He invited Board members
and residents to respond in writing to him for any comments they
may have upon review of the proposed changes. He added that there
are 22 pages with limited copies and suggested owners sign out a
copy at the office and return it within a reasonable time frame.
Lodwick left the meeting at 7:20 PM).
Stern asked when other meetings were held regarding revisions as
he was at one previous meeting which did not cover all the rules
being addressed. Ron Gresser indicated that individual committee
members had approved the revisions previously. Joan Tannenbaum
added she had been on the committee and that many hours had been
spent on the revision and they had been approved in previous
meetings held much earlier.
Structural & Concrete Restoration Committee - Josh
Effron made a report for the Concrete and Restoration committee of
which he stated the committee started in March and have had six
engineers visit. Three proposals have been received from these
engineers based on a five point criteria given to the engineers
including a survey of all balconies, catwalks, garages, etc. It is
hoped that most of the work will be repairs rather than total
replacement of balconies. Josh added all aspects of this project
need to be fined tuned of which Dan Williams will be doing in
advance of the Board selecting a structural engineer to survey the
building and prepare a subsequent package for bidding by
restoration contractors.
answered a question about a potential assessment for the project
of which he stated there is funding in the Reserve account for
painting of the building, but there will be a need for an
assessment for the concrete repairs. This will be determined by
the engineer’s survey report and future bids received from
contractors base on quantities of repairs.
Williams gave a scenario of the time frame for the project which
he stated if an engineer is selected in May it would be possible
to have the building surveyed during June with bids out by July
and scheduling August for a start date if the board chooses a
contractor in July.
Mailboxes - President
Mancuso stated new mailboxes will be delivered in approximately
three weeks with temporary mailboxes being relocated to the
Billiard room once installation is started.
Fountains - Dan
Williams gave an update on the fountains and informed everyone
that Essig Pools had received the tiles and coping material for
installation. Once the electrical is hooked up and the plumber is
finished, a final test of the system will be made with a final
inspection by the City to authorize the fountains to operate. The
target date is mid June if all contractors have completed their
individual tasks and the City has approved all work completed.
Security - President
Mancuso commented on Kent Security and the Board’s attempt to
assist in improving their service. She volunteered it has been a
difficult transition since January. However, everyone is working
together to improve all facets of security. There was a discussion
of the recent replacement of the post captain of which, in
summary, the President stated Kent, not PDM, makes decisions to
replace their employees based on experience and competence for the
position. Kent decided a change in the current captain position
was needed due to continuing problems, complaints, etc., within
the security area at Playa del Mar.
Manager’s Report - Dan
Williams gave a brief manager’s report and let everyone know
that the manager is licensed by the State to guide and assist the
Board in their operation of the condominium as well as to ensure
their compliance with FS 718 and the PDM condominium documents. He
asked that residents cooperate in the future once the concrete
project starts and hopes everyone will work together.
Social Committee - Beverly
Kohn gave A Social Committee report indicating a BBQ will take
place on July 21st with a museum trip on August 17,
2002 with other miscellaneous functions being planned after
Unregistered Possessions - Untagged
bicycles are requested to be identified by registration otherwise
they may be treated as abandoned and removed from the premises.
Mark Stern motioned to post proper notice for all residents to
register their bikes within 60 days, seconded by Josh Effron:
motion by Barbara Mancuso was amended to include beach chairs,
chaise lounges, and umbrellas, seconded by Mark Stern, motion
passed unanimously.
Parking Stickers - President
Mancuso mentioned the need for all residents to have parking
stickers on their cars so they may not be towed accidentally.
Efforts will be made to check vehicles as much as possible for
parking stickers.
Stern thanked those owners for his support and reported he had
been in touch with legal counsel and the State regarding the past
meeting, which he indicated was illegal.
Adjournment - Josh
Effron motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ron Gresser,
motion passed unanimously.
April 29, 2002
Quorum - Board Members Present: Mark Stern, Josh Effron, Barbara Mancuso, Dr. Gwil Lodwick,
Shirley Burtoff, Shirley Stephenson. The President verified that a quorum of Board members
were present.
Call to Order - President Mark Stern called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM.
Minutes - A
motion was made by President Mark Stern to waive the minutes from
the April 1, 2002 meeting. Seconded by Josh Effron and unanimously
A discussion ensued resulting in President Mark Stern resigning
his position. Josh
Effron nominated Barbara Mancuso for the position and seconded by
Dr. Gwil Lodwick. Motion passed. Barbara Mancuso nominated
Ron Gressser to fill the vacant position of director.
Seconded by Josh Effron and unanimously agreed.
President’s Report - President Mancuso named the following new Board
Barbara Mancuso – President
Josh Effron – Vice President
Dr. Gwil Lodwick - Treasurer
Shirley Burtoff – Secretary
Shirley Stephenson - Director
Mark Stern – Director
Ron Gresser - Director
Treasurers Report - Report was
given out to Board members at time of meeting
Old Business - The
bids will be re-opened again on the electronic key farb’s to get
other price quotes. No other business at this time.
Adjournment - With there being no further business a motion was
made to adjourn the meeting by Josh Effron and seconded by Barbara
Mancuso. All in favor. Meeting
adjourned at approximately 8:00 PM.
April 1, 2002
Quorum - Board Members Present: Mark Stern, Josh Effron, Barbara Mancuso, Dr. Gwil Lodwick,
Shirley Burtoff, Shirley Stephenson, absent Dr. Bruce Burtoff. Also present was Manager Paul M. Epstein. The Property Manager verified that a quorum of Board
members were present.
Call to Order - President Mark Stern called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
Minutes - A
motion was made by President Mark Stern to accept the minutes from
the February 27, 2002 meeting. Seconded by Shirley Stephenson and
unanimously approved
President’s Report - President Stern named the following Committee
Chairpersons to be appointed:
Rules & Regulations – Ron Gresser
Welcoming & Screening – Harriet Healy
Gym & Fitness – Steve Levine
Beautification & Decorating – Maybin Mitchell
Social Committee – Marilyn Somach and Co-Chair, Beverly Kohn
Structural & Concrete Restoration – Josh Effron
PDM Newsletter – Herb Dietz
Treasurer’s Report - Dr. Gwil Lodwick presented the
treasurer’s report, a motion was made by president Stern to
approve the report and was seconded by Barbara Mancuso. (See
Attached Report).
Old Business - As
reported by the president the fountains are expected to be
completed by the end of May 2002.
New Business - Approved and/or deferred were the following projects:
- A
motion to replace the obsolete and non-repairable pool heater
with a unit as provided by the Symbion Corp. at a cost of
$12,931.60 for the heater was made by Mark Stern and seconded
by Josh Effron.
- A
motion to replace the existing mailboxes as directed by U.S.
Postal Service and replace them with the required mailboxes as
supplied and installed by Alligator Supply at a cost of
$10,863.60 was made by Dr. Lodwick and seconded by Mark Stern,
approved by all.
- The
electric locks project (Key Fobs) was approved, out of the
four bidders both Kent Security and Atech Fire & Security
were to be asked to attend a meeting so that the board may
further question them and determine which system will be best
for the building. A motion to adopt this system was made by
President Mark Stern and seconded by Treasurer, Dr. Gwil
Lodwick. all were in favor.
Unit owner Lou Bianchi Apt # 1508 requested that a cap be placed on building spending. A
discussion followed and a motion was made by Josh Effron and
seconded by Dr. Gwil Lodwick to set it @ 30,000. Mark Stern
amended it to $50,000. This amendment was seconded and unanimously
passed. We plan to poll the unit owners through petition as to
their desire for this cap prior to having the attorney draw an
amendment for formal approval.
Manager’s Report - (See Attached) – Progress report #5.
Adjournment - With there being no further business a motion was
made to adjourn the meeting by Dr. Gwil Lodwick and seconded by
Mark Stern. All in favor. Meeting
adjourned at 9:32 PM.
Playa del Mar

3900 Galt Ocean Drive - Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
(954) 561-0990 - Fax: (954) 563-9239
[email protected]